School Rules

Character Development is the foundation of every Dunmanian’s education experience. The school rules provide a moral compass for Dunmanians as they set out in their journey to
Develop Self-Awareness and Self-Management skills for personal well-being, growth and maturity
Develop Social Awareness and Manage Relationships for one’s social well-being,
Make Informed Choices and Responsible Decisions so as to contribute positively to the community.
These aims are also guided by the Ministry of Education’s Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) outcomes, nurturing students to have,
Good Character
Resilience and Social Emotional Well-Being
Future Readiness
Active Citizenry
1. Attendance and Punctuality
1.1 All students are to report to school punctually and make their way to the respective venues for Flag Raising Ceremony.
Level/Day |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Junior High |
8 am School Hall |
8 am School Hall |
9 am Classroom |
8 am Classroom |
8 am Classroom |
Senior High |
8 am Classroom |
8 am Classroom |
9 am Classroom |
8 am School Hall |
8 am School Hall |
1.2 Students who are not standing in position with their respective class at the Flag Raising Ceremony venue by 8 am (9 am for Wednesday) will be considered as late for school.
1.3 Gates Operating Hours in the morning
Vehicular Entry
Timing/Gate |
Gate 1 (Tanjong Rhu Road) |
Gate 3 (Kampong Arang Road |
Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri |
6.30 am – 7.55 am |
6.30 am – 7.55 am |
Wed |
6.30 am – 8.55 am |
6.30 am – 8.55 am |
Turnstile Entry
Timing/Gate |
Gate 2 and 3 |
Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri |
6.30 am – 7.55 am |
Wed |
6.30 am – 8.55 am |
1.4 Students can only enter the school via Gate 1 and 4 after 7.55am (8.55am for Wednesday).
1.5 The earliest time that students are allowed to leave the school on a normal school day is 1pm.
Turnstile |
Gate 1 |
Gate 2 |
Gate 3 |
In Operation (using Student EZ Link card) |
1pm – 7pm |
1pm – 7pm |
1pm – 7pm |
1.6 Students who may need to leave the school with valid reasons before 1pm can only do so via Gate 1 or Gate 4.
1.7 Students who need to leave the school after 7pm can only do so via Gate 4.
1.8 Students are to attend all lessons unless there are valid reasons such as absence with MC, representing school at external events/competitions, leave on compassionate grounds.
2. Flag Raising Ceremony
2.1 Students are to observe decorum during the Flag Raising Ceremony.
2.1.1 All students are to stand at attention as a mark of respect
2.1.2 Singaporean students are to sing the National Anthem and recite the Pledge
2.1.3 All students are to sing the School Song when it is played
2.2 Students are to follow the commands given for the entire sequence of the Flag Raising Ceremony (both School Hall and Classroom)
2.2.1 School, please rise for the Flag Raising Ceremony
2.2.2 School, Sedia. (National Anthem is played)
2.2.3 School, Ta’at Setia. The Pledge/信约 (recital in Mandarin every alternate week). Students will recite the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
2.2.4 School, Sedia. Students will lower their arm and return to Sedia position.
2.2.5 The School Song/校歌
2.2.6 School, Senang Diri. End of Flag Raising Ceremony. Please be seated.
2.3 Students are to remain seated while waiting for instructions to be dismissed class by class. Students are to walk briskly and exit the hall in an orderly manner (for Flag Raising Ceremony in School Hall)
3. School Attire
3.1 Students are to be in the day’s Full/Half School Uniform by Flag Raising Ceremony.
3.2 School attire standards apply for HBL days if the student chooses to return to school. Students are to wear the prescribed uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Attire |
Standards |
Full-School Uniform |
School attire for Mondays and Tuesdays (JH), Thursdays and Fridays (SH) |
Shirts are to be tucked in |
Skirts for female students should be of knee length |
School badge to be worn on left chest for JH, and left collar for SH |
Student Councillors are to wear the school tie and tie pin with the Full School Uniform |
No modification to the school uniform, for example, mismatching of uniform, tapered pants for male students, shortening length of skirt for female students, rolling of sleeves etc. |
Half School Uniform |
School attire for Wednesdays – Fridays (JH), Mondays – Wednesdays (SH) |
ONLY White, Navy and Maroon Dunman Tee, DHS Polo T-shirt are allowed to be worn as part of Half School Uniform. |
SH students are allowed to wear the SH House T-shirt on Wednesday. |
DHS PE Attire |
To be worn ONLY during PE lessons or when engaging in physical activities after school |
Dark coloured sports shorts of appropriate length may be worn for CCA, subjected to approval |
For hygiene purposes, students are to change out of their PE attire after PE and before the end of recess/lunch break |
Footwear |
Shoes and shoe laces should be simple in design |
No high-cut shoes |
Plain socks that are visible above the ankle should be worn |
Students with medical conditions that require alternative footwear must seek permission from FT/CT |
Others |
Face masks, if worn, should not contain offensive words/logos/images |
Students should be properly attired when engaging in sports |
ONLY black belts with a simple buckle design are allowed (SH only) |
3.3 Dunmanians are required to wear the school tie with the Full School Uniform during the Pride and Honour Ceremony on Monday (JH), Friday (SH). Students are allowed to remove their tie in the classroom after the ceremony.
3.4 Students are allowed to loan uniform items from the General Office ONLY for valid reasons, for example, if student is drenched in the rain. Loaned items are to be returned promptly and in clean condition.
4. Personal Grooming
Standards |
Male |
Female |
Hair |
Neat and Presentable |
Neat and Presentable |
Hair length must not touch the ears and the collar of the uniform. |
Fringe must not cover the eyebrow |
Fringe must not cover eyebrow |
Tied neatly with plain hair accessories if hair is shoulder |
Strictly NO dyed or highlighted hair |
Strictly NO dyed or highlighted hair |
NO permed hair |
NO permed hair |
NO excessive thick crop of hair |
- |
Face |
Clean shaven |
NO wearing of cosmetics |
Accessories |
NO wearing of accessories, around the neck, on the ear and/or wrist |
Only one identical pair of small ear studs with simple geometric designs or ear sticks on each ear lobe |
- |
Multiple ear piercings are not allowed |
Others |
NO wearing of necklaces and bracelets |
NO wearing of necklaces and bracelets. |
Short and unvarnished fingernails |
Short and unvarnished fingernails |
Transition lens are allowed |
Transition lens are allowed |
4.1 The routine Attire and Personal Grooming Check will be conducted at the start and mid of each school term.
4.2 Recalcitrant students who do not act on Attire and Personal Grooming reminders from teachers will face disciplinary consequences.
5. Conduct in School
The school provides a safe and conducive environment for the learning of all Dunmanians. Our behaviour in school must reflect our attitude towards learning and commitment to character development.
Digital devices are used to aid our learning in school. Any form of usage for purposes other than learning is not allowed during lesson time.
5.1 Students are to place their mobile phones in their bag before the start of lesson. It is against the school rule for students to use their phones without permission during lesson time.
5.2 Students are not allowed to consume food and drinks beyond Level 1. Students are to return all used cutleries to the collection point in the canteen after their meals.
5.3 Usage of lift is reserved for school staff and visitors. Students who need to use the lift for an extended period because of valid medical conditions can request for a lift pass from their respective FT/CTs.
5.4 Sports are meant to be played at designated sports facilities. Students are not allowed to engage in sports beyond these facilities, for example, passing and bouncing of balls along the corridors.
5.5 Students are expected to keep their classrooms and learning venues clean for a conducive learning environment.
5.6 Disrespectful behaviour to any school staff will be deemed as a Major Offence.
5.7 Students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapons, weapon-like items, that may be used or used to cause harm to others.
5.8 Vaping and smoking are deemed Major offences. Students are to take note of the consequences of using, possessing and purchasing an e-cigarette highlighted in item 8, in addition to school-based disciplinary actions.
6. Conduct in Public Space
Dunmanians are ambassadors of the school when in uniform. Students are expected to behave with propriety, for example, exercising consideration to other users in a shared public setting (public transport, F&B establishments).
6.1 Public nuisance, such as gathering in large groups, talking loudly, passing snide remarks, is considered inappropriate behaviour.
6.2 Public display of affection between students in school uniform is considered inappropriate behaviour. The school will engage both the students and their parents.
6.3 Students are to observe traffic rules when crossing the road. Jaywalking is against the law and endangers the life of the student.
7. Cyber Etiquette
7.1 The following cyber behaviour are examples of minor/major offences
7.1.1 Using of vulgar/offensive language, whether it is targeted or in general
7.1.2 Using sexually suggestive language, whether textual, visual, emojis, stickers
7.1.3 Harassing/intimidating other online users, for example, naming and shaming
7.1.4 Posting of photographs that seek to humiliate/threaten others
7.1.5 Adding inappropriate captions to photographs that may be taken out of context
7.1.6 Engaging in discriminatory discourse, for example, matters of race and religion
7.1.7 Impersonating others and sending information under a false identity
7.1.8 Spreading of misinformation that may cause alarm to others
7.1.9 Using recording devices to take photos/videos of others without their permission
7.2 Students who witness any inappropriate online behaviour are to report to their teachers as soon as possible.
Dunmanians are Upstanders, Not Bystanders. Students who witness any inappropriate online behaviour are to report to their teachers as soon as possible.
8. Vaping/e-Cigarettes
8.1 Vaping is ILLEGAL, regardless of age.
8.2 It is an offence to purchase, use, or possess all e-cigarettes and their related accessories. Offenders can be fined up to $2000.
8.3 It is an offence to advertise, import, distribute, sell, offer for sale or possess for sale all e-cigarettes and their related accessories. Offenders can be fined up to $10,000, imprisonment of up to 6 months, or both for first time offenders.
9. List of Minor and Major Offences
Examples of Minor Offences
Late coming – Being late for school without a valid reason
Skipping classes – Being absent from formal lessons (including remedial) without a valid reason
Improper attire and personal grooming – Disobeying school rules on attire, haircut, wearing of jewelry etc. Modification of school uniform is considered a major offence.
Littering – Dropping or leaving rubbish in school premises or public places
Using vulgar language – verbalising coarse or abusive language (including online communications)
Inconsiderate behaviour – Eating and drinking outside designated areas, not following the rules of taking of lift, inconsiderate public behaviour
Examples of Major Offences
Truancy – Being absent from school without a valid reason on school days (Mon – Fri)
Leaving school grounds without permission – Leaving school grounds after reporting but before the end of the school session without the school’s approval
Bullying – Hurting, frightening or intimidating others to deliberately cause harm, distress or humiliation. It can either be physical, verbal or psychological in nature. This includes cyberbullying.
Cheating in assessments/tests/exams – Possessing notes or other prohibited items, copying from others, allowing others to copy, tampering with marks
Disruptive behaviour – Interfering with the smooth running of class or school events
Forgery – Forging signatures, medical certificates, consent forms etc with the intention to deceive
Open defiance and/or rudeness – Refusing to conform to school rules, norms and practices; disobeying teachers’ instructions; displaying rudeness and disrespect in speech or body language
Repeated minor offences
Theft/Damage of Property
Arson – Planting explosives or setting property on fire, whether attempted or actual
Theft – Stealing school property or property belonging to others
Vandalism – Vandalising school or personal property, writing graffiti
Other Serious Offences
Assault – Attacking others violently, whether causing injury or not
Fighting – Being involved in a confrontation between individuals or opposing groups in which each attempts to harm or gain power over the other, with bodily force or weapons
Gambling – Using money in games, betting, etc
Gangsterism – Being involved in a gang assault/threat/harassment/extortion, whether actual or attempted
Pornography – Consuming/possessing/distributing/selling pornographic materials
Possession of weapons – Possessing weapons that may be used in a crime
Sexual Misconduct – Being involved in attempted rape, outrage of modesty, underage sex, sexual grooming, voyeurism etc.
Smoking – Using/possessing/distributing/selling cigarettes
Vaping – Using/possessing/distributing/selling e-vaporisers and accessories
Types of abuse – Consuming/possessing/distributing/selling alcohol, drugs, inhalants
10. Disciplinary Consequences
Examples of Follwing Up Actions/Consequences |
Counselling by Teacher/Counsellor |
The teacher/counsellor will help students to reflect on their actions, so as to bring about a change in behaviour or attitude. |
Engaging Parents/Guardian |
The school believes in partnering parents to support students who demonstrate behavioural problems or discipline issues. The school will engage parents/guardian throughout the process when managing students. For students who have committed a serious offence, the Principal will invite the parents/guardian to the school for a discussion. |
Cap on Conduct Grade |
The Conduct Grade reflects the behaviour of the student. Students who have committed minor offences will be given a Conduct Grade no better than “Good”. Students who have committed major or serious offences will be given a Conduct Grade no better than “Fair”. |
Warning Letter |
The school may issue a warning letter to the students through the parents/guardian, stating further consequences should the student continues to violate the school rules. |
Detention/ Corrective Work Order |
Detention/Corrective Work is a consequence for minor offences. It takes precedence over CCA and enrichment lessons. Students are to exercise accountability by informing relevant teachers should they be absent from CCA and enrichment lessons. |
Zero marks |
Students who do not adhere to the instructions and regulations of school-based assessment will be given no mark for the paper in which he/she flouted the rules and regulations. |
Suspension from Class/School |
Depending on the nature of the offence, the Principal may decide to suspend the errant student from class or school for a stipulated period in order to safeguard the well-being of his/her fellow schoolmates. |
Caning |
Caning may be administered on male students who have committed major offences. Only the Principal or staff authorised by the Principal may administer the caning. |
Police Assistance |
The school may request for Police assistance with the investigation of cases. |
The list of offences and disciplinary consequences stated above are not exhaustive and are subjected to changes.
The Discipline Committee may mete out consequences which could include a combination of measures in proportion to the nature, intent and gravity of the offence(s) committed by a student.
11. Conduct Grade
11.1 Student’s Conduct Grade is reflected in their semestral result slip report.
11.2 Students’ Conduct Grade will be considered in the application of scholarships, leadership appointments and representation of school for external programmes etc. If a student is nominated for an award or an opportunity, both within and beyond the school, his/her Conduct Grade will be considered before the nomination is endorsed.
11.3 The Conduct Grade is awarded by FT/CTs in consultation with Subject and CCA Teachers. The final Conduct Grade is subjected to approval from the Discipline Committee.
Conduct Grade |
Criteria |
Excellent |
Adopts an excellence mindset in academic and co-curricular domains |
Uphold decorum in attire and personal grooming |
Takes pride in his/her work, in addition to attributes listed in Very Good |
Very Good |
Respectful in interaction with teachers and peers |
Shows responsibility in completing assigned work |
Observed to be a caring friend and team player |
Good |
Occasional display of behaviour unbefitting of a Dunmanian (i.e. has committed several minor offences) |
Willing to learn from misbehaviour and commit towards self-improvement |
Fair |
Serious lapse in behaviour unbefitting of a Dunmanian (i.e. has accumulated many minor offences or committed at least 1 major offence) |
Shows little improvement despite reminders |
Poor |
Does not demonstrate behaviour befitting of a Dunmanian |
Recalcitrant behaviour, showing little or no improvement despite repeated reminders, warnings and counselling |
Has committed serious offences or several major offences |
Disregards school rules and the authority |