Humanities & Aesthetics Talent Development
Our Humanities Talent Development provides opportunities for students who are passionate about exploring how people, processes, politics, cultures and events are connected and interwoven across space and time. The Humanities TD experiences will enhance students’ ability to observe, study and communicate his/her thoughts about our human condition and our place in the world.
We offer GEP special programmes such as Humanities and Social Sciences Research Programme (HSSRP) and Moot Parliament Programme (MPP), in-house Humanities research programmes, as well as access to other Humanities events such as external Model United Nations (MUN) events and the NUS Geography Challenge.
In Senior High (Junior College), students can look forward to taking up H3 Humanities Options, the NUS-MOE Humanities and Social Sciences Research (NUS-MOE HSSR) as well as participating in our very own Humanities academic CCA, the International Strategic Affairs Council (ISAC) where they organise local and/or international events such as the ASEAN Plus Summit.
At Dunman High, we also offer a robust Aesthetics Talent Development across six years, with emphasis on our Music Elective Programme, and Art Special Programme (ASP). You may visit HERE to find out more.