JH (Sec) Admissions

Dunman High aims to nurture bilingual Leaders of Honour with a heart to care, to serve and to lead. If you share the same mission with us, you may seek admission through the following:
Secondary One Posting Exercise based on PSLE Results
Direct School Admission Exercise-Secondary (DSA-Sec)
International Students 国际学生
International students who wish to seek admission to Singapore mainstream schools at Secondary 1 to 3 levels must take part in the Admissions Exercise for International Students (AEIS). More information at MOE Website.
Returning Singaporean 归国学生
Returning Singaporean children are Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) children who are:
going overseas to live and study;
currently living and studying overseas; or
returning home having lived and studied overseas.
Returning Singaporean children who wish to gain access to and reintegrate to Singapore schools can refer to the information at MOE website.
For queries, please send your email to dhs@moe.edu.sg or call us at +65 6345 0533, between 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday, except for public holidays.